Adult Members Access Fob Order Form
Access fob for the front entrance barrier and changing rooms. For Adult and Family members.
All members will be provided with a fob once their 2022 membership fees are paid. Family members will receive 2 fobs. Please see new membership payment requirements further below.
There are options to collect fobs during club activities at the club once your fees are paid. If you can collect from the club you can ignore this form.
To receive your fob by post please complete this order form to confirm your postal address. Please order one item and select the standard shipping option. There is no charge, we just need to confirm your postal address.
Please ensure you have paid your membership fees to our new AIB Bank account in order to receive your fob.
Members paying by monthly standing order:
Please cancel your current standing order and set up a new standing order to our AIB bank account emailed to you. Once your monthly payment is received into the club's new AIB bank account we will send out your fob.
Members paying by annual payment:
Your 2022 membership invoice will display the new AIB bank details. Once your fee is received into the club's new AIB bank account we will send out your fob.
The new bank account details have been emailed out to all members. Email if you need these details to be resent.
Once your membership payment has been verified we will post out your access fob.