17 to 21 August 2020 - 12 places - 09.30 to 14.00
€150 members - €175 non-members
During the clinic we will focus on boat speed, technique, starts and of course racing strategies. Our main focus will be to work with the sailors on their ability to develop a good game plan and apply it, through drills like thread the needle, grand prix start, pick a side, long line starts. We will also be developing the sailors skills on roll-tacking, roll-gybing, mark rounding as well as working on up-wind and down-wind speeds through the application of the 5 essentials, how will they end up at the top mark.
All sailors participating must have their own boat & gear. Be able to sail to basic skills level.
All sailors participating in the Optimist Clinic will be invited to take part in the GBSC Junior Regatta to be held on Sunday 13th September, 2020 and the "Sail to the Dock". For more info, please contact caliegalwaybaysailingclub@gmail.com
