Dear Members
Please note that this year's Annual General Meeting will be held in the clubhouse on Wednesday, November 15th 2023 at 8pm.
The order or business at the Annual General Meetings shall be as follows: -
1. Verification of minutes of last General Meeting.
2. Presentation and consideration of Honorary Secretary's report.
3. Presentation and consideration of Honorary Treasurer's report.
4. Appointment of Flag Officers, Officers and Committee Members.
5. Appointment of Auditor
The Names of Candidates for election as Officers and Committee Members with the names of Proposers and Seconders shall be posted on the Club Notice Board by November 1st at the latest. Entitlement to vote at the Annual General Meeting shall be as described in the Rules and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Galway Bay Sailing Club Limited.
Committee positions are listed below. - Commodore - Vice Commodore - Hon Secretary - Hon Treasurer - RC Cruisers - RC Dinghies - RC Training - RC Junior / Youth - Ordinary Committee member x 7(max)
Marina Lupton Secretary GBSC.